Plastic Arts

Our objective is to raise creative, self-confident, and qualified students who

  • Have a sophisticated sense of aesthetics,
  • Have a positive perspective towards life,
  • Care for and are sensitive towards the world and their environment,
  • Give sound answers to questions “What is art?”, “Why do we have art?”, and “What is the function of art?”,
  • Take an active role in modern life.

Our Goals

We teach art by supporting students without comparing and contrasting them or discouraging them. The goal of our art education is to develop their design skills and to help them become creative and productive individuals.

Our Teaching Practices

Every student is creative. We enable them to express themselves freely and give utmost importance to helping them express their ideas and excitement. It is important for us to create an environment that supports their expression skills.

Classes are done in the fully equipped art studios. In high school we have an idea number of students who wish to study Art, which is an elective subject.


Our Objectives

The objective is to enable students to investigate art and human beings and to become knowledgeable about the impact of science and art on society. We aim to help them comprehend the interaction between visual expression and aesthetics within basic rules of painting, exercise using living or non-living models, acquire a sense of depth, understand the relationship between painting and other branches of art, and have a holistic view.

Our Goals

Our primary goal is to provide an intensive education to and guide our students who are found to be talented throughout their school years and wish to choose visual arts as a profession and lifestyle.

Our Teaching Practices

Art is an elective class in prep year and in Grades 9-12. Art education is given in art studios accompanied by classical music, which helps students develop a significant work discipline. Moreover, technical equipment, slides, films, videos, reproductions, and visual materials that explain various technical practices are used and students watch films that are about the lives of important artists and their art.

In Visual Arts classes taught in prep year and in Grades 9-12 students start with drawing exercises using techniques involving dots and lines. Appropriate coloring techniques are selected according to the subject and techniques involving use of dots and lines. Watercolor (ink), gouache, and acrylic color techniques are employed. Big- sized art exercises involving acrylic color painting are important for us.

In line with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum the Visual Arts programme covers the following categories in which color techniques are used: dot and line; light and shadow; observation, analysis, and organization; and form and style. Graphic art exercises help students become aware of graphics art and work on graphic design.

In the 2005-2006 academic year a Sculpture Studio was opened so that students could also work on sculpture. Painting and sculpture classes take place in art and sculpture studios.