The Foreign Languages Department (FLD) at Terakki Foundation Schools prides itself on its dynamic education that equips our students with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to become lifelong multi-linguists.
Foreign Languages Department Mission Statement
In line with the Terakki vision and mission statements, the Foreign Languages Department’s purpose is to provide its students with:
- the communicative language skills and competence to reach their personal and professional goals in a globalized world,
- the academic skills to succeed in modern day higher education,
- and the cognitive skills necessary to become free and critically thinking, independent Turkish and world citizens.
Our Approach
Through our student-centered education program, we strive to impart the value of language, culture, communication and life-long learning. Throughout their time at Terakki, students have more than 5000 hours of language education from K-12. Our K-12 curriculum for English, Spanish, French and German is CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages) referenced and meets the high standards required for Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services) certification. In fact, the 2019 Eaquals inspection verdict statement confirmed that Terakki FLD either meets or exceeds all 12 Eaquals standards.
Terakki FLD has been a proud member of the leading language teaching association, Eaquals, since 2015, and was the first K-12 school in Istanbul to receive this prestigious accreditation which “provides guarantees of high quality for language learners studying in Eaquals accredited centres”. Our mutually beneficial relationship with Eaquals affords us access to high quality trainers, advisors and experts in the field of language teaching and learning.
The FLD’s approach to language education generally follows the communicative approach, where authentic materials and naturalistic exposure to the target language and culture are key components. At the same time, through an active oriented approach, the FLD strives to impart the academic, cognitive, and affective skills that students will depend on as they excel in further education and their professional and personal lives. Terakki FLD employs a unique in-house unit planning system, which affords students learning experiences tailor made to meet pre-defined language learning goals. Within this approach, students ask questions to explore concepts and language that are relevant to their lives and the worlds they live, and as a result facilitates more meaningful learning.
Terakki FLD teachers are experienced professionals who understand how to cater for the variety of learners and interests in their classroom, differentiating content, process and product as necessary. This allows for individual student’s strengths and weaknesses to be addressed at all levels from Kindergarten to Grade 12. In Primary and Middle School, a co-teaching system also ensures that students receive the individual attention they need to develop as language learners and users.
Terakki FLD teachers are committed members of local and global professional learning communities who adapt to global changes in language education theory and practice. As part of this community, as well as attending local and international events, Terakki FLD regularly hosts conferences and events open to all teachers. In 2014 and 2016 we hosted our TELT conference with international speakers and participants, and in 2018 and 2019 we welcomed teachers from around Istanbul for our ‘EdTech Geeks’ Weekend’. Moreover, in 2014, we held Turkey’s first K-12 job fair for international teachers.