The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service continues to support the psycho-social, cognitive, and physiological development of the child as s/he starts school.
It carries out activities to help students learn about themselves; establish confident, independent, and positive relationships with their environment; explore their talents and interests; and to support and guide their academic progress.
The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service not just deals with the problems but also provides service to all students regarding many aspects of the development process. Their activities are student-centered and provide the environment to ensure parent- school cooperation.
Counselors go to classrooms and do class activities to raise awareness and to observe student behavior both in the class environment and in their natural environment. Moreover, during the class time scheduled at the beginning of the academic year, they take students to the playroom and observe and evaluate their communication and friendship skills.
Öğrencileri hem sınıf ortamında hem de doğal ortamda davranışsal açıdan gözlemlemek amacıyla derslere girerek farkındalık sağlayıcı sınıf içi etkinlikler yapar. Ayrıca eğitim yılı başında belirlenen ders saatlerinde öğrencileri sınıfça oyun odasına alarak iletişim ve arkadaş ilişkileri anlamında değerlendirir, gözlemler.
The Counseling Service provides individualcounseling to students in terms of the following topics;
- Issues related to academic achievement / learning
- Social adaptation
- Communication among parents and the child
- Developing positive behavior
- Overcoming exam anxiety
- Anger management / conflict resolution skills
- Psychological problems
- Process of middle school placement test (SBS)
The Counseling Service provides group counseling to students in terms of the following topics
- Developing social skills
- Overcoming exam anxiety
- Gender education
- Efficient study methods
- Effective communication
- Motivation – building for increasing academic achievement
The Counseling Service guides the parents through;
- One-on-one meetings
- Parent support groups
- Seminars / Conferences
- Newsletters on topics such as “Why do children need boundaries?; How do we learn?; Communication among Parents; Being a Father; Who cannot say “No”.
The Counseling Service organizes the following meetings for teachers;
- Orientation activities
- Educational seminars
- Regular one-on-one meetings about students in terms of academic and behavioral development.