The Foreign Languages curriculum at Terakki Foundation Schools;
is based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and meets the high standards necessary for Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services) accreditation, and IB Primary Years Programme accreditation.
At Terakki Primary School, students learn to value languages, cultures, communication and lifelong learning through an inquiry-based curriculum that follows the Terakki Language Learning Continuum.
The main purpose of the Primary School English Programme is to raise our students as individuals who are self-confident when using English, knowledgeable about other cultures, respectful and understanding of the world they live in, nature and living things. Through our programme, we design activities that will enable our students to improve their literacy in a foreign language, develop their ability to access and interpret information, as well as their ability to communicate in a wider context and in different situations. It gives students the knowledge and skills to make choices about their role as community members in our changing world.
Our learning environments are designed to enable our students to use English in real-life settings. Students develop independent learning skills as they develop their social and self-management skills in individual and group learning environments. In addition, systems are in place to ensure that our students are guided and supported on their language learning journey.
Listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are developed as students interact with each other to research, discuss, analyze, create meaning, and present their learning. The use of technology plays an important role in learning and offers opportunities for personalised learning. The library as a resource and a gateway to reading is promoted by library visits and the use of e-resources and hard copy books in class.
In addition, students use their English skills to participate in extra-curricular events that extend language use such as thematic parties, special day celebrations and explorations.
In Grade 1, the focus is on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as early reading and writing skills, so that our students become confident using English to communicate. Our holistic phonetics programme supports reading and writing by developing phonemic awareness. At the end of the academic year, students present their learning to their family members.