The Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service at high school works in coordination with teachers, administrators, and families and uses the latest knowledge in psychology and education in order to help students become modern individuals with personality, and to
- Support their social, mental, and emotional development,
- Increase their academic achievement,
- Help them find solutions to their problems.
Activities for Students
The counseling service carries out programmes in all grade-levels, structured group work, in-class counseling activities, and one-on-one meetings in order to contribute to the personal and emotional development of students throughout high school years. Moreover, in order to help students take appropriate decisions regarding the university, their professions, and the field of study, the counseling service applies tests and inventories; carries out group-work regarding choosing field of study and profession; organizes fieldtrips and visits to universities, Career Day activities, and interviews with graduates, seminars with prominent figures of various professions, and internships twice a year so that students could learn more about business life.
Following Up Academic Progress
Following up students’ academic progress is a topic that the counseling service pays great attention to. The exam and oral grades are followed up closely and students who are found out to be struggling are involved in one-on-one or group activities.
Students are provided with support regarding efficient study methods, time- management, and motivation. Their improper practices are corrected and the practices they are asked to apply are followed-up.
The road maps that students internalized and embraced for their personal development as they get prepared for life is decisive for achieving their professional goals. Students are provided with a multi-lateral counseling service so that they could choose the most appropriate career option for themselves and apply this decision.
In our school we have prep activities for both Turkish universities and those that are abroad. The process starts in Grade 9 and goes up to the end of Grade 12 including counseling regarding registering options.
Activities for Families
The Counseling Service organizes structured group activities and interviews with experts regarding the topics families may benefit or need to learn about.
The High School Psychological Counseling and Guidance Service aims to keep the level of knowledge and practice at the maximum through in-service trainings, seminars, conferences, and supervision and to contribute to all individuals and departments it is in contact with at the highest level possible