Terakki Foundation grants “Achievement Scholarship” to students in addition to the scholarships given in line with the provisions of the Private Education Institutions Regulation of the Ministry of Education regarding students and trainees who will study free of charge or receive scholarship.
The foundation believes that these non-refundable grants will provide a substantial support to successful students and their families. Terakki Foundation grants two types of non-refundable scholarships:
Achievement Scholarship
Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki Middle School Placement Test Achievement Scholarship:
Students, among those studying in Grades 6 and 7 of the Şişli Terakki Middle School, who ranked in top 3 of their grade-level according to the results of the Placement Test are granted an achievement scholarship for the next academic year. Placement Test is applied once a year in June.
a. The student in Grade 6 or 7 of the Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 1st in the placement test of the related grade-level is granted 100 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
b. The student in Grade 6 or 7 of the Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 2nd in the placement test of the related grade-level is granted 75 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
c. The student in Grade 6 or 7 of the Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 3rd in the placement test of the related grade-level is granted 50 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki High School Achievement Scholarship:
a. Achievement scholarship is granted to students in top 20 who graduate from the Şişli Terakki Middle School throughout their studies in our high school according to the criteria stated in our Scholarship Regulation.
It is essential that the students who are entitled to get an achievement scholarship are enrolled in our high school by the last day for enrolment so that they could benefit from this grant. If there are any students who are not enrolled in Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki High School by the deadline stated by the school administration although they are in top 20, the other students on the list are added according to their ranking and the criteria stated in the scholarship regulation so that the number of grants is 20.
b. For students who apply to our high school with the Private Schools Placement Score as a result of the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG), students in top 15 are granted an achievement scholarship according to the criteria stated in the scholarship regulation.
c. Students who graduate from Şişli Terakki Middle School and are in top 3 according to the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) in Grade 8 are granted achievement scholarship in the rates stated below for their studies in the next academic year at Şişli Terakki High School:
- The student in Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 1st according to the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) in Grade 8 is granted 100 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
- 2. The student in Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 2nd according to the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) in Grade 8 is granted 75 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
- 3. The student in Şişli Terakki Middle School who ranked 3rd according to the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) in Grade 8 is granted 50 % achievement scholarship for the next academic year.
Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki Science High School Achievement Scholarship:
a. The top 5 students who graduate from Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki Middle School and apply to our Science High School with the Private Schools Placement Score as a result of the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) are granted achievement scholarship for their studies according to the criteria stated in the scholarship regulation.
b. The top 5 students who graduate from another middle school and apply to our Science High School with the Private Schools Placement Score as a result of the exam for Transition from Primary to Secondary Education (TEOG) are granted achievement scholarship for their studies according to the criteria stated in the scholarship regulation.
Higher Education Achievement Scholarship
Scholarships are granted to students who graduate from Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki High School and get the following results at the university entrance exam:
a. Students who are in top 1 % in any of the related track scores by getting the highest score according to the ranking made by taking the average of Y-MF-1, Y-MF-2, Y-MF-3, and Y-MF-4 scores and are enrolled in a higher education programme which lasts at least 4 years according their choices,
b. Students who are in top 1 % in any of the related track scores by getting the highest score according to the ranking made by taking the average of Y-TM-1, Y-TM-2, and Y-TM-3 scores and are enrolled in a higher education programme which lasts at least 4 years according their choices,
c. Students who are in top 1 % in any of the related track scores by getting the highest score according to the ranking made by taking the average of Y-TS-1 and Y-TS-2 scores and are enrolled in a higher education programme which lasts at least 4 years according their choices,
2.2) Students who graduate from Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki Science High School and get the following results at the university entrance exam are granted scholarships if they are in top 1 % in any of the related track scores by getting the highest score according to the ranking made by taking the average of Y-MF-1, Y-MF-2, Y-MF-3, and Y-MF-4 scores and are enrolled in a higher education programme which lasts at least 4 years according their choices,
2.3) Students who graduate from Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki High School or Science High School and get the following results at the university entrance exam are granted scholarships if they are in top 1 % in any of the related track scores by getting the highest score according to the ranking made by taking the average of Y-DİL-1, Y-DİL-2, and Y-DİL-3 scores and are enrolled in a higher education programme which lasts at least 4 years according their choices,
2.4) Students who graduate from Terakki Foundation Şişli Terakki High School or Science High School and ranked 1st at the aptitude (special talent) test given by faculties and departments who accept students with these tests and got enrolled at the programme in which they ranked 1st and whose graduation grade average is above 3.50 are granted scholarships according to the criteria stated in the scholarship regulation.
High School and Science High School Achievement Scholarship Regulation (Turkish)