The objective of creative drama activities carried out in preschool is to provide the background required to help students develop their communication- interaction skills through individual and group activities and acquire certain standards in environments where they could express themselves freely and act spontaneously.
In preschool it is aimed to help students;
- Become individuals who are self- conscious, can explore themselves, can express themselves well, and can approach events and phenomena from a critical perspective,
- Undertake responsibility knowing how to interact and cooperate with other kids and people and share,
- Empathize,
- Become aware of others and develop sense of community and care,
- Develop free thinking through playing games,
- IIcrease their sensitivity towards art,
- To provide them with opportunities of spending the day with joy and energy.
Methods and Techniques
Creative Drama activities are carried out in preschool in groups by developing creativity (role- playing, mime, and improvisation) through introduction- warm-up- ice-breaking activities, and confidence- adaptation, communication- interaction, attention, sound- rhythm, body- balance building activities.