Information Technologies

The importance of offering the right and appropriate kind of Information Technologies (IT) training in order to raise students who can cope with 21st century in a rapidly changing world and to prepare them for the future and their roles in the globalizing world is increasing more and more each day. In today’s world each individual must master in digital literacy.

The objective of Information Technologies classes is to help students:

  • Think systematically,
  • Know the basic computer concepts,
  • Understand the impact of Information Technology products on social life,
  • Use applications software by learning the purpose of them,
  • Learn about and use internet and the options of having access to information on internet,
  • Use internet positively and for good as a conscious digital citizen,
  • Use a presentation program, preparing slides, and adding information and visual images on the slides, and create presentations working on multiple slides,
  • Use email systems effectively as a communication and sharing tool,
  • Make filing operations on cloud systems, use online tools,
  • Use different Web 2.0 applications when needed,
  • Design a web site and publish the information,
  • Design three-dimensional products using basic shapes.

It is very important for themselves and community that students have basic information about computers and use it as a tool to meet their daily needs. The rapid development and change in computer technology highlight the necessity to have a life-long education on computers.

The topics of the information technology subject are studied in relation to the PYP themes. They prepare posters, brochures, web sites and other documents they need for the PYP Exhibition Unit.