In the guidance of Ataturk’s principles and reforms, the Department of Science aims to raise responsible, versatile, self-confident individuals who are also world citizens, lifelong learners and have awareness towards local incidents and the environment. In order to help our students develop their problem solving, rational and analytical thinking, information literacy, data literacy, digital literacy, sustainability literacy skills; our courses are taught with laboratory tasks, projects, activities, scientific research processes and differentiated learning methods so that they can stay up-to-date with advanced technology and knowledge of the contemporary world.
- Encourage students to maintain their natural curiosity from childhood and help them develop into individuals who research, question, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and interpret information.
- Support the development of creative and critical thinking skills.
- Foster lifelong learning, self-regulation, and confidence in individuals.
- Assist in preparing students for higher education and life.
In physics, chemistry, and biology courses, the learning environments are designed and implemented in a way that allows students to actively participate, share their thoughts freely, and support the development of social-emotional skills. To ensure that learning is lasting and tailored to individual needs, interactive presentations, simulations, animations, and web tools are used effectively. Various methods are employed to enhance students’ abilities to interpret information, establish cause-and-effect relationships, transfer knowledge to different areas, integrate information from various fields, and relate knowledge to everyday life, fostering a holistic perspective.
To maintain and develop students’ interest and curiosity, and to relate topics to daily life, laboratory work is emphasized. Our physics, chemistry, and biology laboratories, which meet university-level safety standards, provide well-equipped learning environments. In our laboratories, both group and individual experiments are conducted, and the reports of these experiments are evaluated according to scientific criteria with feedback provided to the students.
While monitoring the academic development of our students, measurement and evaluation practices are used to track the progress in their science skills, conceptual skills and higher-order thinking skills. For this purpose, formative tests are given in addition to written exams and are followed up with regular assignments and tasks for practice. Based on the results of these practices, support activities are carried out individually or as a group with our students in need. Alternative materials are prepared to maintain the interest and curiosity of our students who don’t have difficulties in their academic skills, and these students are supported to reach higher levels.
The teaching programs published by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) are carefully reviewed and applied at all grade levels. Additionally, using and directing students to MEB-published resources in class is emphasized.
For 12th-grade students transitioning to higher education, activities are planned so that students will not require external assistance. Individual and small group work outside of class is conducted, and academic progress is regularly monitored through follow-up exams, mock exams, and subject-specific assessments.
Various projects are carried out in our physics, chemistry and biology clubs under the guidance of our teachers. Our students participate in national and international competitions with the projects they develop. Apart from this, in our club activities, experiments are carried out to support students’ curiosity in science. Projects are also carried out for social responsibility work.
In addition to course and club activities, our students’ interest in science is supported and our students are informed about current global issues with seminars given by scientists invited from universities in accordance with the curriculum. Based on the importance of learning about scientific developments on-site, domestic/international trips and seminars are organized.