Information Technologies

Information Technologies class aims to enable our students to progress in parallel with the rapid changes and developments in the information technologies, to keep up with the current age as competent computer literates, to meet their needs in daily life, and to develop projects.

Our Goals

In today’s world every individual needs to master digital literacy. Our goals are to help our students acquire the skills that an individual must have in the 21st century such as using technology as a tool for researching, analyzing, evaluating, and sharing information, and having a basic understanding of ethical and legal issues related to having access to and use of information and to enable our students to develop algorithmic thinking skills and to employ these methods while solving problems encountered in daily life.

We enable our students to grow up as individuals who:

  • are able to use a word processing program at a level of preparing assignments and corresponding;
  • are able to use a presentation program at a level of effectively presenting the projects prepared;
  • are able to use the Internet in every field of life as information literates in every sense;
  • can question the accuracy and the source of the information accessed via the Internet as a good digital citizen;
  • can do web design at a level to express oneself and events;
  • can use Web 2.0 tools for graphic processing and editing at a level of building connections with multimedia and web page design;
  • can use a spreadsheet program at every field of their lives at a level of expressing the charts, calculations, and results graphically;
  • can use a design tool at a level of preparing designs related to newsletters, brochures, business cards, postcards, greeting cards, and labels in daily life;
  • can design and print three-dimensional products;
  • can carry out various projects using their information technologies skills in connection with other subjects;
  • have the knowledge and skills to create algorithms and write simple programs by listing the stages of sorting out a problem.

Teaching Practices

In the Information Technologies class the following methods are applied in order to guide and encourage our students:

  • Learning through projects
  • Learning by doing
  • Learning through peers
  • Learning through play
  • Learning by exploring
  • Reinforcing positive behavior
  • Learning through activities
  • Motivating with the product
  • Displaying the works and rewarding.